Bilot Network of Wellness Mentors strengthens well-being

Bilot Wellness Mentors Network

Bilot Oyj wanted to strengthen the work community’s know-how in supporting employee well-being through a project that builds a network of wellness mentors. The whole organization was involved, but the workshop work that developed operating models has taken place especially by wellness mentors selected from the organization.

The challenges of coping in the professional services industry are significant. The job description of the majority of employees is related to project-type phasing, where workload accumulation and busy periods are formed. The work community feels the need for a stronger structure and operating models to support well-being.

Strengthening well-being and community is a prerequisite for the success of every work community. Training program for wellness mentors to be built on the basis of the project will develop the necessary knowledge capital and provide tools to promote these issues. The training program will continue to flexibly take into account each organisation’s own key needs. The implementation of the training as workshops provides an opportunity to develop together. As a company, we believe that supporting well-being is so profitable that we have invested in this program.

Summary of the development project plan

The network of wellness mentors is considered very important

Wellness mentors activate staff alongside occupational health support for individual measures that support their own resources. We believe that the Wellness network strengthens a work environment culture that values well-being and creates common approaches to the workplace.

The project was implemented during a corona pandemic. Despite this, the staff experience of overall well-being increased based on pulse queries before and right after the project. The number of sick leave decreased over the last year. The set indicators work as a guide and the real effects of this network will become clear later on after the skills and support of mentors have actually been utilized in the work community.

The feedback collected from mentors for the final report of this project shows that the network is perceived as very important for the work community 4.5 (on a scale of 1-5). Participation in the project was nice 4.1 and committed both to wellness mentoring and to the organization 4.7.

Three key points from the mentors

We have learnt to focus on wellbeing also during the work hours.

We have collected tools to promote well-being and especially communication.

Bilot Network of Wellness Mentors is very important to the organization. We need time reserved for the mentoring work also in the future.

Bilot wellness mentors have written a series of blogs on well-being.

Terhi Kolari and Alisa Yli-Villamo, wellness coaches and trainers at LovelyLife Ltd (IhanaElo Oy), acted as experts in the development project. The project has been partly funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund. The final report and results are published on their website.

Heini Karjala, Energy and Wellbeing Specialist at Bilot

IhanaElo-tiimi on toteuttanut Työsuojelurahaston tukemana Työyhteisön sisäisten hyvinvointimentoreiden verkosto -hankkeen Bilotin lisäksi Diakonissalaitoksella. Hankkeen tavoitteena on ollut lisätä organisaation sisäistä osaamista ja kohtaamisia hyvinvoinnin tukemiseksi hyvin matalalla kynnyksellä. Diakonissalaitoksen toteutus ja asiakastarina on tehty suomeksi ja Bilotin englanniksi.

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