Get Involved In The Energize Your Brain Year 2024!
A healthy brain ensures efficiency and productivity at work. As individuals and as work communities, we have the opportunity to take concrete everyday actions to keep our brains healthy. Only together can we build sustainable working environments that support brain health and turn concerns into opportunities.
Why Get Involved In The Energize Your Brain Year?
The Energize Your Brain Year offers a unique opportunity to develop your workplace to support brain health and well-being, both for individuals and organisations:
- A healthy brain is more focused, more productive, more creative and makes better decisions.
- Investing in brain health reduces sick leave and supports employees’ well-being.
- A workplace that supports brain health builds commitment, attracts talent and creates a competitive advantage.
How Can You Get Involved In The Energize Your Brain Year 2024?
- Challenge your colleagues to take part in small everyday actions to support their brain health and share the actions and events you are taking. during 2024. Sharing successes is good exercise for our brains. We train our brains to see the good around us, rather than the threat. Sharing successes reinforces a sense of control, achievement and community.
- Follow our social media channels, and you’ll be among the first to hear about the latest brain-boosting tips and success stories. You can find us LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.
- Download and print the Energize Your Brain Year Calendar on your wall.
Add to your social media posts and follow:
#energizeyourbrain #brainhealth
We are ready to get excited with you!
Let’s make this a tremendous year, with both human and economic impacts – for individuals, work communities and our society.
Events of the Energize Your Brain Year
Our events are open to anyone interested in brain health. Webinars are free of charge.
How To Energize Your Brain by Eating? 29.8.2024
We will discuss brain-healthy eating and how to make it happen in your everyday life. We will consider our different preferred styles and practice building new routines. The theme will be discussed by Susanne Valkeakari, Accredited Business and Wellbeing Coach at wellbeing factory oy, and Alisa Yli-Villamo, a Promoter of Brain Health from the LovelyLife®-team. In Zoom on Thursday 29.8.2024 at 14:00-14:45 Finnish time (UTC+2)
Recover - and Energize Your Brain 22.10.2024
The main time for recovery is during sleep but good sleep is built during the day. We need to learn to regulate our stress levels and understand the value of “switching off” instead of constantly pushing full steam ahead. You will learn different ways of building moments of recovery into your busy days to energize your brain, improve your stress management, and support better sleep. The theme will be discussed by Tiina Hoffman, an Exercise Physiologist and Master Trainer at Firstbeat, and Alisa Yli-Villamo, a Promoter of Brain Health from the LovelyLife®-team. In Zoom on Tuesday 22.10.2024 at 14:00-14:45 Finnish time (UTC+2).
Want To Make Sure You Get Your Brain Energized?
➔ Book a free sparring workshop to build your own Energize Your Brain Year: or +358 45 126 1100.
➔ Order a kick-off to your Energize Your Brain Year 2024! We’ll run a series of lectures or workshops with you and gently nudge individuals and teams into action. Are You Interested? Download here the brochure of our Energize Your Brain Coaching Using Webinars or Workshops.
It’s great that you decided to get involved and show your social responsibility. Good luck and curiosity for your Energize Your Brain Year!