Supervisor Training To Support Your Brain Health
Supervisors must ensure both the achievement of common objectives and staff motivation. Our supervisor training strengthens the supervisor’s own resources, helps sustain understanding encounters, and deepens self-awareness and self-management skills. After our training, the supervisor will feel better, have clearer thoughts and have the skills to take a coaching approach to promote work, wellbeing and brain health in a sustainable way.
We structure our supervisor training by listening carefully to your needs and resources. Even a small reduction in the amount of sick leave will pay back your investment many times over. Working together with energy and enthusiasm will produce amazing results. This good feeling radiates not only at work, but also at home, to customers, suppliers, and all important stakeholders. To ensure effectiveness and continuity, we work closely with HR both before and after the training.
Below are two examples of our supervisor training courses to give you an idea of what we have implemented. We provide training in Finnish and English.
The objectives of our supervisor training
We reinforce the well-being of our supervisors by building on their personal style and strengths. We deepen self-esteem and increase self-management skills. We support and build tools to promote team members’ well-being with a positive, courageous, solution-oriented coaching approach.
Our workshops activate to take action
- The introduction to each topic includes examples from everyday life.
- Alongside theory, we do concrete exercises.
- We share the resulting insights and experiences through discussion and by using agreed upon tools.
- We encourage experiments that promote wellbeing relevant to your own life.
- We challenge to discuss the themes of the workshops with colleagues and team members.
- We will propose the pre-workshop and homework assignments and the content of the team’s joint wellbeing meetings.
Contents and price of the training
Our example implementation includes the workshop content of the above structure. Your investment in the well-being and success of your supervisors and the work community as a whole for 10 supervisors includes:
- Each participant’s Personal Wellbeing Navigator® and
- 4 workshops, 3 hours per workshop
- in total 8 750 € + VAT.
For a larger group of supervisors, we will divide the work into small groups after the kick-off workshop.
Stage 1: Individual Energize Your Brain Coaching (2 months)
Our second example training takes place in two phases. At the beginning of the training, we make sure that the supervisor is feeling well. Through personal coaching, the supervisor is motivated to take small proactive actions that promote brain health and make a difference in their life. At the same time, they will be guided in a coaching approach to encounters and will gather concrete tips on how to promote well-being. The first phase of the training includes:
- Personal Wellbeing Navigator
- Four coaching meetings 50 min / time with a LovelyLife® Coach on two selected brain-energizing topics. Meetings are held remotely every two weeks.
- A concise information package and tips on coaching themes
- Daily use of a follow-up form to track progress and tasks
Phase 2: Joint workshops (2-3 months)
The themes of the three workshops (3 hours per session) are:
- Personal styles and the basic pillars of brain health (eating, exercise, recovery and sleep)
- The brain needs brains: strengthening community, our basic psychological needs, and interaction
- Brain ergonomics and designing work for better brain health.
The aim of the workshops is to put together concrete tools to:
- Increase your staff’s understanding of a brain-healthy lifestyle.
- Strengthen the sense of belonging and achievement within a team and the work community.
- Recognise personal strengths, and those of the team and organisation.
- Deepen the meaningfulness of work.
- Understand the importance of elements of brain ergonomics, namely information ergonomics, cognitive ergonomics and affective ergonomics, for brain health.
- Find concrete ways to make personal and the team’s work more brain-ergonomic.
- Promote responsibility and sustainable well-being.
Price of the example training
Your investment in the wellbeing and success of your supervisors and the whole work community, including individual Energize Your Brain Coaching for 20 supervisors and three coaching workshops of 3 hours/workshop for a total of 19 750 € + VAT.
Integrate wellbeing into your own supervisor training
Do you want to support the wellbeing of your supervisors and train them as wellbeing promoters, but as part of your own training package? Let’s find a solution together.
Read about customer stories Experiences of Milla Kalliomaan, Secretary General of the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare on integrating supervisors’ well-being into other supervisor training.